
📹  Tutorial Videos

⛰️ Hill Sprints
📹 Tutorial Video
🚀 Strides
📹 Tutorial Video
💨 Pick-Ups
📹 Tutorial Video
🏃 Stair Bounds
📹 Tutorial Video
🪜 Stair Drills
📹 Tutorial Video
🤸 Warm-Up Drills
📹 Tutorial Video

⛰️  Hill Sprints Tutorial

Sprint uphill at MAXIMUM intensity for 8-15 seconds. The steeper the hill, the shorter the sprints. Aim for at least a 20% gradient, with good footing.

Each rep must have COMPLETE RECOVERY of 2 minutes or more of walking/resting. This is because hill sprints are a POWER and STRENGTH exercise, so your neuromuscular system needs time to fully recover.

Really think about your form, keeping the following pointers in mind:

☑️ Positive backward drive of the arms
☑️ Tall posture and high hips
☑️ Powerful knee drive
☑️ Knees up, toes up
☑️ Land naturally on forefoot
☑️ Explode off the ground
☑️ Triple extension (hips, knees and ankles)

🚀  Strides Tutorial

Strides are 15-30 second bursts of speed, performed with long-distance running form (NOT an all-out sprint).

Use the first 5-10 seconds to come up to pace. Once you’ve reached around 90% of your maximum effort, maintain this for a further 5-10 seconds. Use the final 5-10 seconds to ease off slowly, then walk/rest for 2 minutes between each rep. Strides should NOT stress the body and should feel ENJOYABLE.

Really think about your form, keeping the following pointers in mind:

☑️ Shoulders low and relaxed
☑️ Fast arms, elbow driving backwards
☑️ Tall posture and high hips
☑️ Powerful knee drive
☑️ Heels up and under buttocks|
☑️ Knees up, toes up
☑️ Slight forward lean from the ankles
☑️ Land on front half of foot (ball of foot) and drive down and back

💨  Pick-Ups Tutorial

Pick-ups are similar to strides, but are shorter in duration and are performed SPONTANEOUSLY throughout a run, without complete recovery between repetitions.

When the feeling and terrain motivates you, pick-up the pace to a fun, fast effort (NOT an all-out sprint). The first few pick-ups should range from 8-10 seconds, building up to a MAXIMUM of 15 seconds for the last few reps. Ease off slowly, then do at least 2 minutes easy running between each pick-up.

Really think about your form, keeping the following pointers in mind:

☑️ Shoulders low and relaxed
☑️ Fast arms, elbow driving backwards
☑️ Tall posture and high hips
☑️ Powerful knee drive
☑️ Heels up and under buttocks
☑️ Knees up, toes up
☑️ Slight forward lean from the ankles
☑️ Land on front half of foot (ball of foot) and drive down and back

🏃  Stair Bounds Tutorial

Bound up a steep set of stairs at MAXIMUM intensity (skipping as many steps as you can) for 8-15 seconds. The steeper the stairs, the shorter the bounds.

Each rep must have COMPLETE RECOVERY of 2 minutes or more of walking/resting. This is because stair bounds are a POWER and STRENGTH exercise, so your neuromuscular system needs time to fully recover.

Really think about your form, keeping the following pointers in mind:

☑️ Positive backward drive of the arms
☑️ Tall posture and high hips
☑️ Powerful knee drive
☑️ Knees up, toes up
☑️ Land naturally on forefoot
☑️ Explode off the ground
☑️ Triple extension (hips, knees and ankles)

🪜  Stair Drills Tutorial

Run up a set of 10-12 stairs at a fast pace. Focus on utilising a quick, accurate, and efficient technique (as opposed to a powerful ‘bound’). Recover for 60 seconds between each drill.

It’s important that the steps aren’t too high (about 6 inches is ideal) and not too far apart (again, you don’t want to be ‘bounding’ up them).

Really think about your form, keeping the following pointers in mind:

☑️ Positive backward drive of the arms
☑️ Tall posture and high hips
☑️ Fast knee drive
☑️ Knees up, toes up
☑️ Land naturally on forefoot
☑️ Tap your feet on each step as quickly as possible
☑️ Quick and powerful force production

🤸  Warm-Up Drills Tutorial

Running-specific warm-up drills will activate, mobilise, and potentiate the muscles and joints used when running at high intensity. Drills awaken the neuromuscular connections and activate the stretch reflex in the tendons, enhancing coordination and allowing quicker reactions and more explosive movements, helping you run faster and more efficiently.

Performing drills will improve the quality of your session, reduce your injury risk, and decrease your recovery time afterwards. Ensure you have warmed up with at least 5-10 minutes easy running before conducting any drills.

Once you’ve warmed up, start with a few dynamic movements and stretches to activate and mobilise the muscles and joints. Perform each movement for 20-30 seconds.

☑️ Leg swings
☑️ Open and close the gate
☑️ Lunge to knee drive
☑️ Squat to calf raise
☑️ Butt kicks
☑️ Toe taps
☑️ Jumping on the spot
☑️ Hopping on the spot

Then perform a few drills to potentiate the muscles in preparation for explosive movement. Perform each drill for 30-60 seconds.

☑️ A-Skip
☑️ B-Skip
☑️ C-Skip
☑️ Straight-leg bounds
☑️ Bent-leg bounds
☑️ High-knee skips

Finally, bring it all together by performing a few strides.

☑️ Strides

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🙋‍♂️  Athlete Profile

To submit this form, please visit the Athlete Profile page.

Athlete Profile

A general overview of the athlete, their training history, developmental needs, and current training readiness.

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👤 Personal Profile

DD slash MM slash YYYY
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Only share if you're comfortable doing so. Your weight may not be relevant to your training or your goals.
What is your occupation? Is it particularly stressful (physically and/or psychologically)? Do you do shift work? Do your working hours ever change? Do you have a long commute? Do you have children? Do you have any other commitments I should be aware of?
If yes, please provide details.

📋  Training Plan Request

To submit this form, please visit the Training Plan Request page.

Training Plan Request

A self-assessment of the previous training block and useful information for planning the next training block.

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👤 Personal Details

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